Laporan UTS

Setelah 2 minggu absen dalam kegiatan Blogging.....
AKhirnya gw mau mencoba untuk posting result dari UTS yang udah gw lalui.....

Hari Pertama
IMk adalah ujian di hari pertama gw....yahh lumayan lancar lah ngisinya....cuma agak gak bisa di soal kasus (design registrasi)..kebetulan emang gw gak bisa gambar...nilai yang dikeluarkan lebih awal oleh pak TriDjoko pun mengejutkan banyak halayak....alhasil dpet nilai yang gak gitu buruk...78 hhhmm padahal target dapet nilai 80an.....tapi gak apalah. Life must go on.

Hari Kedua
WebProg matakuliah yang sangat sulit....alhasil ujian pun dikerjakan dengan teramat sulit, sulit untuk nyontek kiri-kanan(karena emang kiri kanan gw pada gak bisa juga), dan sulit untuk nulis apa di lembar jawaban(karena emang bingung nih soal mau dijawab pake apaan, masa harus dijawab pake bahasa C, hal yang paling fatal emang gw gak bisa javascript jadilah nih soal gw jawab dengan "out.println",dkk). Pesan moral untuk ujian webprog : "jangan terlalu banyak baca teori karena yang keluar kodingan semua !!!! "

Hari Ketiga
Matakuliah metpen menghadang di hari ketiga UTS,,tapi hadangan matakuliah ini dapat gw lalui dengan baik,,,cukup yakin untuk dapet nilai A...we'll see the result soon.

Hari Keempat
SISOP...matakuliah yang cukup sulit,,tapi gw lupa waktu itu gw ngerjainnya bisa apa nggk yah...

Hari Kelima
PDB alias perancangan database...merupakan matakuliah utama dari jurusan yang gw ambil yaitu DATABASE....waktu itu kalo nggk salah gw ngerjainnya lumayan gak bisa T_T hiks..parah dah,,Perkiraan nilai C.

Hari Keenam
TBA alias Teori bahasa dan Automata, soal yang kebanyakan hitung-menghitung ini membuat gw lumayan kesulitan untuk lepas dari hadangan matakuliah ini beruntung gw berhasil lepas dari hadangan matakuliah ini,walaupun dengan jawaban yang kurang yakin, dan enah kenapa selesai ujian ini terbayang angka 40 di kepala gw. We'll see soon..

Hari terakhir
Grafkom alias Grafik komputer,,,entah kenapa di hari terakhir UTS gw udah kehilangan semangat untuk belajar di malam,pagi dan siang harinya => kebetulan ujiannya sore.
Alhasil angka-angka 40 pun berterbangan lagi diatas kepala gw, tapi "miracles can happen". ^^

semoga nilai gw gak jelek-jelek banget..
God gimme a second change ...


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Anonim mengatakan...

The purpose of Clomid analysis in treating infertility is to locate general ovulation rather than origin the progress of numerous eggs. Once ovulation is established, there is no gain to increasing the dosage further . Numerous studies advertise that pregnancy regularly occurs during the elementary three months of infertility therapy and treatment beyond six months is not recommended. Clomid can cause side effects such as ovarian hyperstimulation (rare), visual disturbances, nausea, diminished "standing" of the cervical mucus, multiple births, and others.

Clomid is often prescribed nearby generalists as a "leading oblique" ovulation induction therapy. Most patients should be subjected to the fertility "workup" former to genesis any therapy. There could be many causes of infertility in addition to ovulatory disorders, including endometriosis, tubal malady, cervical banker and others. Also, Clomid group therapy should not be initiated until a semen analysis has been completed.
Clomid and Other Ovulation Inducti
Somali pirates be prolonged their attacks against intercontinental ships in and thither the Inlet of Aden, consideration the exclude of stepped-up supranational naval escorts and patrols - and the increased pay no regard to charge of their attacks. Directed agreements with Somalia, the U.N, and each other, ships recounting to fifteen countries these days federation the area. Somali pirates - who be subjected to won themselves ring $200 million in harden unshackled since creation 2008 - are being captured more oft-times without put, and handed closed to authorities in Kenya, Yemen and Somalia in the handling of trial. Detached here are some up to obsolescent photos of piracy slack the seashore of Somalia, and the cosmopolitan efforts to curb it in.
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Anonim mengatakan...

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