Kangen Temen2 LIA gw....

Ahhh sudah dari SMA kelas 1 gw ikut LIA.....
Dan akhirnya gw bisa nyelesaiin LIA waktu gw kelas 3 SMA.....
Sekarang gw kangen berat nigh ma tmen2 LIA gw, yang skarang anak2nya ntah berantah berada dimana........

My Teacher Mr Alvian (the one that used tie,wearing green jacket)......

Ratih The big fans of Harry Potter(the Girl that wearing glasses, wearing brown shirt)........

Bagus the metal pose(beside Mr.Alvian)....

Me(right above bagus, with a smile from my face).....

Melly(The girl that look likes licking of me,right above me).......^^

Rizky(Wearing black and white shirt).....

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